Larry Householder knows government doesn’t create jobs – it creates an environment that keeps and creates jobs. That begins by protecting Ohio jobs from overregulation and frivolous lawsuits. And it means standing with Ohio farmers and small business owners, who work hard, play by the rules and support our local communities.

Larry Householder believes every child deserves a quality education that best meets their needs, regardless of their ZIP code or circumstances. That’s why he has worked to improve educational opportunities for all students to help them to pursue their passions and prepare for success in college or the workforce – and in life. Householder is also committed to improving access to college and career training so more Ohioans can get the skills they need to provide for their loved ones and pursue the American dream.

Second Amendment
For Larry Householder, hunting and sport shooting are a tradition passed from one generation to the next. An avid outdoorsman and proud life member of the National Rifle Association, Householder has an A+ rating from the NRA. He is a concealed-carry permit holder and has been a leader in protecting the 2nd Amendment and standing up for the rights of Ohio’s gun owners. It was under his leadership that a plan ensuring law-abiding Ohioans are able to carry concealed weapons was signed into law.

Protecting Life
Larry Householder believes life is a gift from God. In his personal life and as state representative, Householder works to honor and protect innocent life – 100 percent of the time. Householder has worked to defund Planned Parenthood and fought to prohibit tax dollars from being used for abortion-related services.

Drug Crisis
Ohio is in the grips of an opioid epidemic that is devastating families and stretching our first responders and law enforcement to the limit. Larry Householder believes in a comprehensive solution at all levels of government, including strengthening our borders and cracking down on drug dealers.

America was founded on the ideals of liberty and freedom, one nation under God, with our Constitution as its cornerstone. Larry Householder will never waver in defense of our rights and our freedoms and will always honor those who have stood watch to protect our nation and our way of life.